Want to learn something today?

Giving or receiving recognition – which is more important?

“Leaders don’t look for recognition from others, leaders look other to recognise” -Simon Sinek-


How did you treat your colleagues today?

…also very relevant statement what comes to treating colleagues at work. ‪#‎servantleadership‬ ‪#‎humanelement‬


Achieving new results

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” – Peter Drucker –


What time is it?

How investing in increasing the emotional intelligence of employees converts to increased profitability?

I am very curious to know how people WHO LIVE OR DO BUSINESS IN CONTINENTAL EUROPE think about this question. This is because I live in continental Europe myself. In order to quantify it I have made a short anonymous and absolute non-commercial and no strings attached survey about this…


Concentration training

Radical innovation evening 6.6.2013

Is your business in decline? Or do you fear it might soon be so? Or perhaps you have opened your eyes already and you want to prevent it going downhill early enough? If you answered to one or the other of the questions by YES, the RadiCamp evening on the…


Are you Organized or Chaotic?

this blog is continuation to my previous blog “Are you extrovert or introvert” which can be found by clicking here. Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) The question here is: How do you make decisions? The people with Thinking (T) preference tend to base their decisions on the logic, facts, figures…


Are you outside of your comfort zone?

You are likely either left or right handed. Similarly you cross your arms either left or right arm on top. Also you probably cross your hands either left of right thumb on top. Most of the time, or actually nearly every time, you tend to do it the same way….


Finnish Business Awards 2012 in Austria

The Finnish Business Award in Austria is given to the most successful companies who offer Finnish products or services in Austrian market. This award is presented by Finpro, Finnish Austrian Economic Forum and the Embassy of Finland in Austria. Last time this award was given in year 2009. I was…


Tough boss

Is your own leadership like this or is your boss practicing this kind of leadership? No worries, it can be changed. Click the (almost Oscar nominated) video for the whole story. Join my email list! Email Address


Can you lead virtual teams successfully?

Working virtually is the key word of today. Increasing amount of multicultural and multinational teams work in companies, which are internationally active. Today the work ethos is characterized by independence of place and time, technological development, non- permanency, and multiculturalism. Virtual teams are challenging to the team leaders. Leadership, teams…


The Squirrel Wheel

You may see when it is happening to someone else. How about yourself, can you also see and notice when it is happening to you? I think that it is important to help other people, remind them of what is important, help them to recognize where they are and what…


Mindfulness as a management tool

When speaking about mindfulness many people associate it only to yoga and eastern philosophies or generally speaking the “soft stuff”. You may also think: what does that have to do with management and leadership? Actually it does and as a matter of fact a lot. The current business life is…


Do what you love and the rest will follow

Innotiimi is launching a new social media friendly website

Diversity rocks

I am a passionate photographer. I started photographing back in 1977 when I was only 6 years old. My father gave me a small camera on my 6th birthday. Since then I have been photographing extensively. However, my hobby took a quantum leap when the first digital cameras came into…


Strawberries and Champagne

(At least) Two strategy approaches are at the moment very much affecting the business life: sense of urgency vs. Blue Ocean. THE strategy guru everybody refers to is John Kotter. Especially his 8-Step Change Model has become the mantra of change management. The first step is to create Sense of…


Only the future matters

Many people are so fixed in maintaining the status quo that they simply cannot create something new. Having said that, luckily there are people who understand that the past is not unimportant, but what matters more is the future. You do not have to be university professor or exceptionally successful…


A mega trend in working life: well being

What words did you use last time when you said no to a meeting request? Or, how did you respond when you could not join for a beer with friends last time? I would guess it was something like: “Sorry, I have already another meeting in my calender already.” or…


Steve Jobs about Leadership

Steve Jobs was and Apple still is one of the biggest succes stories of the last decade. Arguably his leadership style divided the opinions of people quite in a black and white manner. However, he brought Apple to where Apple now is. A while ago I found this short video…


Everything changes all the time

Would you hire Roger Federer to play tennis or to sing?

Example I will start with a simplified and maybe naive example to set the scene. Let’s assume that you know that your business success depends on how well your organization is able to play tennis and sing. You have two employees: Roger Federer and Madonna. How would you organize your…


The value of customer relationship is priceless

Run a business, not a company. Sales should focus on generating social capital, revenue, euros, pounds, dollars, yens or what ever currency. Stop considering sales as a department – a part of your organization. When sales are fine, everything else is also fine. When sales start declining traditional managers start…


Keeping your business ecosystem in balance

Ecosystems are functional units consisting of living things in a given area, non-living chemical and physical factors of their environment, linked together through nutrient cycle and energy flow. The ecosystem combines several elements that can’t live without one another. Each produces something the others need. Polar bear lives on the…


The truth about what motivates us

Thanks for Juha for finding this great video from YouTube. This hits right to the point of understanding the truth about what really motivates us. Money is a good motivator but it is by far not the best motivator of all…


innovation: take a big pen and small paper.

Maybe the most important thing when inventing something new is to get started. Get started from the beginning, middle or the end. It does not really matter where you start, as long as you do start. Start with a big pen and small paper. You cannot draw anything small with…


Manage things – lead people

Today I was planning to write a blog about leadership (and management). Actually I decided to bin the text I had already written and just post this picture that I found in the internet. This cartoon summarizes so brilliantly what leadership is all about. By whatedsaid | View this Toon…


Apparent productivity in white-collar work

What is productivity? Wikipedia definition for productivity is: What does that mean in Blue-collar work? The productivity of manufacturing and other manual labor (Blue-collar) is pretty easy to measure and control. More input means more output. More hours labor in means more products or services out. Streamlining of the processes…


First things first: “time management for dummies”

The key to be efficient in your private life, in your working life or in meetings is the time management. In other words, doing the first things first – prioritizing the important things above the less important things. But what is really important? How should you prioritise your time? There…


Launch your product now

When is the right time to launch your product? When is the right time to expand your business to new markets? Probably sooner than you think. Most likely today. Get out there immediately when your product is ready to do what is was meant to do. Remember that you should…


The only constant is change

What is the rework365 all about? We have something new to say about building, running and growing a new or established businesses. Our approach is not based on academic theories. It is based on practical experience. We have been operating in international high-tech business more than 15 years. We have…
