Do you mentally block innovation without knowing it?

What do you really do for living?

What time is it?

Why overload of rules, processes and metrics keeps us from doing our best?

Reducing stress using simple HRV app on your smartphone

71% of employees report low job satisfaction and commitment

How often are you @home office?


Radical innovation evening 6.6.2013

Is your business in decline? Or do you fear it might soon be so? Or perhaps you have opened your eyes already and you want to prevent it going downhill early enough? If you answered to one or the other of the questions by YES, the RadiCamp evening on the…


Are you outside of your comfort zone?

You are likely either left or right handed. Similarly you cross your arms either left or right arm on top. Also you probably cross your hands either left of right thumb on top. Most of the time, or actually nearly every time, you tend to do it the same way….


Are you expected to sit in the office?

The factory called office If you have a factory it is pretty obvious that putting more hours and more labor and investing to new production line will increase the output of your factory. This of course translates to more sales given you are able to sell the goods. Since the…


Creativity in the workplace needs diversity.

Is your team diverse? Are you encouraging people to speak up and not agree all the time? If not, perhaps you should reconsider your leadership style. Have a look at this 1 minute video.


Make your competition irrelevant!

Your sales are stagnating or already decreasing. Your market is saturated. All of the key players in the market have started a (severe) price war. Your margins are gone and there is no growth. If someone wins, someone else must loose. You are stuck in “red ocean” of bloody competition….


Keeping your business ecosystem in balance

Ecosystems are functional units consisting of living things in a given area, non-living chemical and physical factors of their environment, linked together through nutrient cycle and energy flow. The ecosystem combines several elements that can’t live without one another. Each produces something the others need. Polar bear lives on the…


Apparent productivity in white-collar work

What is productivity? Wikipedia definition for productivity is: What does that mean in Blue-collar work? The productivity of manufacturing and other manual labor (Blue-collar) is pretty easy to measure and control. More input means more output. More hours labor in means more products or services out. Streamlining of the processes…


First things first: “time management for dummies”

The key to be efficient in your private life, in your working life or in meetings is the time management. In other words, doing the first things first – prioritizing the important things above the less important things. But what is really important? How should you prioritise your time? There…
