
Category Archives : Sales

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New value year 2011

The new year is always a discontinuity point and time for making promises. Why not deciding to start thriving your business towards new growth and untapped markets? Here are couple of ideas that might be relevant to you. Understand your value curve First you need to understand how your product…


Make your competition irrelevant!

Your sales are stagnating or already decreasing. Your market is saturated. All of the key players in the market have started a (severe) price war. Your margins are gone and there is no growth. If someone wins, someone else must loose. You are stuck in “red ocean” of bloody competition….


The value of customer relationship is priceless

Run a business, not a company. Sales should focus on generating social capital, revenue, euros, pounds, dollars, yens or what ever currency. Stop considering sales as a department – a part of your organization. When sales are fine, everything else is also fine. When sales start declining traditional managers start…


Shifts in scarcity and abundance

Shift in market dynamics It is really nothing new that business is based on exploiting scarcity. You create something scarce and sell it with profit. Great stuff! But when the scarce things become common you need to rethink what you are actually doing. The same thing happens when some common…


First things first: “time management for dummies”

The key to be efficient in your private life, in your working life or in meetings is the time management. In other words, doing the first things first – prioritizing the important things above the less important things. But what is really important? How should you prioritise your time? There…


Launch your product now

When is the right time to launch your product? When is the right time to expand your business to new markets? Probably sooner than you think. Most likely today. Get out there immediately when your product is ready to do what is was meant to do. Remember that you should…
